Money Must be Managed

“Money is only a tool.  It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.”

Ayn Rand

Money must be managed. On its own, it does nothing. For me, the first step was finding out where I was spending it, by tracking all spending. I also tracked all money coming in. I started with a paper and pencil system. Now I use an electronic spreadsheet, that allows me to download transactions from my bank every week, including credit card purchases, and sort them into categories and subcategories so that I know what my life, my choices, cost.

With these numbers, I was able to manage my cash flow. I knew when I would be paid, and what my take home pay was. With that information, I was able to plan my spending. I learned to include non-monthly expenses. Some are predictable, such as car registration, vacations, holidays. Some periodic expenses are not predictable, perhaps medical expenses, car repairs, home maintenance. Now that I am self-employed and my income is less predictable, tracking allows me to manage my cash flow and remain debt-free.

With these systems in place, I am the driver of my money and my life. I plan my spending, monthly and annually.  I review my plans frequently and adjust them because, well, life happens. I plan, save, and invest for my future.

Where do you wish to go?

How are you going to get there?

Are you driving your own life? 

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