How Do You Earn Money?

“Money’s like the muck midden*; it does nae good ‘til it be spread.” ."

Liz Carlyle, Three Little Secrets, 5, Pocket Books, 2006

For me, this quote caused me to ponder both earning, and spending.  How much time and energy do I spend in exchange for my income?  What do I get in return for the money I spend?  While money itself doesn’t bring me joy, my work does. It also provides security, intellectual stimulation, social engagement, and a sense of accomplishment.

“Why would I hold onto something that is evil, when I can spend it for pleasure right now?” If you find this thought to be, shall we say, childish, you’re right. What we learned, and didn’t learn, about money as children influences our beliefs and actions about money as adults.

If you find that thought to be familiar and uncomfortable, I encourage you to take a look at what you’re doing to earn money. 

Does your work fulfill you in some way?

Look, too at what you get from the money you spend. Do you spend so much money on immediate gratification that you live in fear and want?  

Are you so focused on security and your future that there is no joy or pleasure in your present?

* Dung-hill or heap of manure

What do you consider in balancing your money?

What is out of balance?

What is enough for you?

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